Fees For SWRCS Membership 2025
(Now Due)
This year the BMFA has raised its fees by £2. The committee has decided that SWRCS fees should remain unchanged, but we will pass on the BMFA increase. An application form can be found HERE.
Please note that it is now the responsibility of each member to register/pay annually for your CAA Operator ID (See below).
The BMFA will no longer accept the CAA Operator ID fees if there is more than 28 days to expiry. It is now the members responsibility to register for and to pay at the appropriate time. Your registration details can be found on the CAA website where you can also pay your renewal or register if you are new to the hobby: https://register-drones.caa.co.uk/my-registration You can also pay (within 28 days of renewal) via the BMFA Portal: https://bmfa.justgo.com/Account.mvc/login
Don’t forget that you are not insured after the 31st of December until we receive your membership fee. Also, don’t forget you get a £5 discount (£3 for juniors) if we receive your membership fee before the 10th of January. (As shown on the the renewal form.)
*NB Amounts marked * include a discount given only if the fee is received by the membership secretary by the 10th of January 2025.
Please also note that your 2024 insurance is not effective until the club receives your payment.
1. Senior
with BMFA membership via SWRCS:
2. Senior with BMFA membership via another club:
3. Junior
(under 18) with BMFA membership via SWRCS:
4. Junior (under 18) with BMFA membership via another club:
£17.00 (*£14.00)
5. Family membership (all must reside in the same household)
One full senior BMFA membership must be paid for as 1 above then:
A partner
can join for £64.00 (*£59.00)
Each junior (under 18) can then join for £27 (*24.00)
All members including life members must return the completed form.
Flying Hours
All Models:
Weekends/Bank Holidays:10:00hrs to 20:00hrs (or dusk when earlier).
Weekdays: 10:00hrs to 20:00hrs (or dusk when earlier).
Electric models
up to 3 LiPo cells: 06.00hrs to 23:00hrs:
Please take careful note of the club rules, especially the noise limit and
the areas you are not allowed to fly, most importantly near the
main road, THE HOUSE, the industrial estate and over the go-kart
With flying hours back to normal, please keep noise to a minimum.
Remember: One complaint can be all it takes to close a flying
site. Noise measurements will be made from time to time during
the year to check how the club is progressing in its aim to be
as 'green' as possible..